Different Restaurant Sensation With Automotive Feel

The concept of a restaurant is an important thing to think about when making a restaurant. Having a different and unique concept will make the restaurant have its own charm. The uniqueness of a restaurant combined with delicious food will certainly make the restaurant a favorite place to be able to spend time with family or friends just to eat or a place to hang out. Getting entertainment in the restaurant will certainly add its own impression when visiting a restaurant.

One restaurant with a unique place is Bands Garage, Resto and Cafe which has the concept of an automotive cafe. This concept is certainly different from the concepts that exist in restaurants in general. This restaurant presents an automotive concept that is very attached to the automotive world which can give its restaurant its own appeal. In addition, the concept used can also attract the curiosity of visitors to be able to feel the various menus provided by this restaurant.

This concept was presented by Bands Garage, Resto and Cafe at MGK Kemayoran Mall, Central Jakarta. The place that has this unique concept gets a variety of positive reactions from the public, especially for those who like automotive. The automotive concept used is quite interesting because currently there are not many restaurants that dare to be different. With this concept, this restaurant has become the newest hangout spot that is in great demand and suitable as a place for casual chatting with friends and get the right entertainment.

This automotive concept is given to the existing design in the room from the terrace to the restaurant lobby. Automotive items that are installed include a number of sport or trail motorcycles such as the Ducati Panigale, Kawasaki KLX 250 and Yamaha R1 and there are even Harley-Davidson Softail Springers and many others. The automotive concept also not only lies in the motor that is on display but has entered into parts of the motor that are used as accessories displayed on the restaurant. Automotive themes will certainly be felt with various accessories on display.

To open a restaurant business with a different and interesting concept is not easy, but this restaurant is able to create a unique and interesting restaurant to visit. Not only has a good concept, but this restaurant is also convenient to visit. The existence of various automotive equipment does not reduce the comfort of the restaurant, instead it gives a unique impression and makes customers feel more enjoy when visiting Bands Garage, Resto and Cafe. What is even more interesting is that some of the properties and accessories used are private properties of restaurant owners.

Restaurants with automotive concepts is indeed suitable for customers who like the automotive world. To provide more attractive services, this restaurant also provides a special place for weddings, gatherings and other activities that can accommodate more people. Of course this makes this restaurant more attractive.

The epic restaurant concept will be more complete with delicious restaurant menus. At Bands Garage, Resto and Cafe has delicious and complete menus ranging from western, asian to local menus to be found in this restaurant. This complete restaurant makes whoever will feel at home for long to hang out in this place to just eat or hang out with friends for entertainment after work or time off.

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